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About Us

Peakhurst South Public School Parents & Citizens' Association are an organisation of parents and carers who organise and run events to fundraise for equipment and facilities to support our students' education and wellbeing. At Peakhurst South Public School, the P&C are proud to provide an on-site Uniform Shop, Canteen and Band tuition. Look out for community events run by the P&C.


P&C Meetings are held on the last Wednesday of the month in school term, at 7pm in the library and online. All parents are welcome to attend. Find out about programs and events planned for the year and how you can be a part of our community.


Click here to join the meeting

P&C Office-bearer Roles

Peakhurst South P&C Association is a charity under the ACNC. Our financial year runs from April-March, with office-bearers elected at the AGM held in November (from 2023). All members elected to Executive Committee positions are expected to take an active role at the P&C Meetings and events. As an Executive Committee Member, you will organise, help run and volunteer at our events.


This information is provided by the P&C Federation, which has great information about school P&C organisations.


Every school community should have a P&C Association. A P&C Association enables parents and citizens to meet to determine the needs and aspirations of the school community. The Education Act 1990 ensures that a P&C Association may be established at any government school.

The objects of a P&C Association are to: promote the interests of the school by bringing parents, citizens, pupils and teaching staff into close co-operation; assist in providing equipment required by the school; report to the Minister the material requirements of the school; assist the teaching staff in establishment of school policy and management in all facets of school activity.

Membership of P&C associations is open to all members of the school community: parents, teachers and citizens. 


Read on to find out about P&C Association Office-Bearer roles.


The President is responsible for: 

  • The successful functioning of the P&C Association meetings

  • The attainment of the P&C Association’s objectives and consistent adherence to the Constitution

  • Ensuring that the P&C Association takes part in decision-making processes in the school and setting up lines of communication with the Principal

  • Fostering fair participation of all members and ensuring that all new members are made to feel welcome

  • Supporting volunteers

  • Acting as the P&C Association’s spokesperson when public statements or actions are needed

  • Being signatory on the Association’s bank accounts

  • Chairing meetings (in the absence of the President, one of the Vice-Presidents will chair the meeting or the meeting can elect a chairperson from the members present for that meeting).


Vice-President responsibilities include:

  • Chair meetings or parts of meetings under the direction of the President.

  • Chair meetings in the absence of the President. Represent the President if the President is not available.

  • Signatory on bank accounts.

  • Take on the responsibility of supporting / leading sub-committees.

  • Consider this position as the president’s understudy

  • Provide support and assistance to the president

  • become familiar with P&C operations, rules and meeting procedures.

  • The vice-president may be required to undertake the duties of the president in the president’s absence.


The Secretary is responsible for carrying out the administrative tasks related to the decisions of the meetings as
resolved. The Secretary prepares, in consultation with the President, all meeting agendas.
The Secretary is required to attend P&C Association meetings and take notes of the discussions in order to produce a
set of Minutes for subsequent distribution to members and for receipt, possible amendment and adoption at the
following meeting. (In the absence of the Secretary the meeting should elect a person to take the Minutes, this
person should be identified in the Minutes.) Further, the position includes receiving and tabling all correspondence
as well as writing and dispatching outgoing correspondence as resolved/appropriate. The Secretary also issues notice
of all meetings and maintains official records of the P&C Association


The Treasurer receives and deposits monies, maintains records, draws cheques and presents accounts.
The Treasurer also ensures that all funds held and handled by P&C are properly and openly accounted for as the
Treasurer is responsible for all funds held in the name of the P&C Association and all P&C Association committees.

TheTreasurer is a signatory on the P&C accounts.

The financial accounts of the P&C Association must be submitted to an independent audit each year.
The Treasurer produces a full statement of financial position declaring all funds held in the name of the P&C
Association, including those of sub-committees, along with the Secretary who presents the Minute book of the same
period to the Auditor. After completion of the audit the financial statements, with all signed certificates appended,
are to be presented at the Annual General Meeting for approval and adoption. 

Executive Member

Receive minutes of meetings direct to your email

Have the right to vote on motions raised during P&C meetings

Participate in Executive Committee meetings and discussions

First opportunity to volunteer for events and fundraisers

Portal for communication to students in classes/stages/year groups

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