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Who's in the P&C

Peakhurst South P&C are parents of the school volunteering their time to listen to the needs of the students and staff, organise and run events and raise funds for exciting projects. Meet the current team...

2024-2025 Executive Committee

President: Hannah Murrin
Vice-President: Melanie Williams
Secretary: Simone Hart
Treasurer: Lydia Tan
Executive Members: Kellie Tang, Eleni Calavrias, Leah Ellis, Laura Doust, Alana Stanford, Kaley Payne

Have your say and be the first to know! Join the P&C Executive Committee to  play a part in forming and making decisions. Contact us to express your interest.

Uniform Shop

Co-ordinator: Lisa Cooper
Book-Keeper: Melanie Williams
Purchasing Officer: VACANT
Assisting Volunteer: VACANT

Band Committee

Convenor: Leah Ellis
Secretary: Kate Crawford
Treasurer: Ryan Crawford
Instrument/Equipment Coordinator: VACANT
Event Coordinator: VACANT
General Member: Yanjing Liao, Amanda Waqanivalu


Canteen Manager (staff): Idy Washbourn
Canteen Assistant (staff): Amanda Jabbour
Convenor: Nikki Kennedy
Secretary: Alana Stanford
Treasurer: VACANT
Banker: VACANT
General Member: Kate Crawford
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