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New in 2025! P&C Newsletter


Previously you would find P&C News - including events, Band, Canteen and Uniform Shop news - in the School Newsletter… but keep scrolling, it was right near the end!

NEW in 2025: we are publishing our very own newsletter, issues on alternate weeks to the fortnightly school newsletter! Check your emails from the school Office for the latest edition. Click below to download the first P&C Newsletter!

Reflecting over 2024, P&C donated a total of $67101. We should all be proud of this fantastic fundraising effort! In the past year our gifts and donations included:

  • $2600 for the Canteen Thermomix

  • $5140 for 7 school iPads

  • $47495 towards the BBQ building ($30000 was from the Community Building Grant)

  • $10880 towards our Well-Being Officer, Miss Jo

  • $550 for PSPS Swimming Caps

Interested in finding out what's going on, making a contribution or organising events? Email or come join our monthly meeting at 7pm on the last Wednesday of the month, during school term!

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