There were no hot cross faces, only happy hot cross bun-eaters at today’s Parade! 🥕 🐰
CONGR-EGG-ULATIONS to the Easter Raffle Winners who will bring home their prizes (if they don’t eat them first):
Charlie N 3/4H
Zara 1/2T
Addison 5/6C
Georgia 1/2B
Hannah Kindy
Charlie R 1/2M
Harlem KM
Mason 3/4H
Emily L 3/4C
P&C would like to thank the visiting parents, grandparents, family and friends for supporting our school - hope you enjoyed the Hot Cross Buns!

Thank you to Idy, Simone, Kaley and other P&C members who made the morning tea and raffle possible. If you’d like to help out at these fun community events, please consider joining the P&C!