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Students on stage! Education Day 2024


On Wednesday 7/8/24 our school is holding an Open Day to celebrate Education Week! Come along from 9:30-11:45 to watch our students perform in Band, Dance Troupe, Choir and Class/Teacher acts. P&C are holding a Cake Stall - please donate a baked treat in the morning and enjoy the snacks for a little donation.

Father's Day Stall is now OPEN to pre-purchase gifts from MySchoolConnect - Select "Fundraiser" from the Dashboard. At the Stall, students may choose from a range of exciting gifts for Dad, Grandpa or other Father-Figures. Each gift is still only $10, which includes a raffle ticket! We've been fortunate to have been donated some wonderful new Raffle Prizes.

Would you like to know what's going on at school? Would you like to have a say or help out? Join the monthly P&C Meeting tonight, Wednesday 31/07/24 at 7pm. Click here for info

Other upcoming dates:

Fri 2/8/24 10am Tickets go on sale for the Sydney Performing Arts Festival (SPAF)

Mon 12/08/24    Uniform Shop OPEN 3:30-4pm

Tu 13/08/24 ICAS English Test for registered Year 3-6 students

Tu 20/8/24 Early Stage 1 Excursion - Symbio

Mon 26/8/24 Band Camp for Performing Band - Stanwell Tops.  Uniform Shop OPEN 3:30-4pm

Wed 28/8/24 Jollybops Science Incursion

Wed 28/8/24 P&C Meeting 7pm in the school library or join us online

Th 29/8/24 ICAS Maths Test for registered Year 3-6 students. 

Thursday 29/8/24: Fathers Day Stall & breakfast.

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