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Well-Being for another year: Miss Jo


We might think of "well-being" as simply feeling happy and healthy, but it's not as simple as that. Our well-being influences our ability to flourish and thrive in our environment, and is affected by many factors. Young children in school may need a helping hand to recognise and address influences to their well-being.

This year, Peakhurst South PS P&C are pleased to once again subsidise our school's Student Well-Being Support Officer, Miss Jo. Her calming role as "friend to all children" serves to support the students socially and emotionally. Miss Jo is often found playing games, chatting or simply being there for any and all students who may benefit from her comforting presence.

Let's find out more about Miss Jo!

Hi my name is Jo who the students refer to as Miss Jo and I’m the Student Well-being Support officer.

My usual day involves seeing students who need emotional support and encouragement through one on one support on a regular basis.

This can involve chats over a game of UNO or a game of basketball or handball.

Sometimes they just want to sit & chat or take a walk together away from class for a short time.

Referrals can come through the teacher or parent & parental permission is always sought before a child is allowed to come out of class regularly to see me.

Anxiety/ social skills & self esteem are also targeted through small group sessions with students from the same grade each term.

We play games & children are taught how to deal with anxiety, how to resolve conflicts &/ or play well together depending what need is presenting.

This term I have several one on one sessions with one group session per day.

This varies each term depending on referrals & parental permission.

I’m also present on the playground at recess & lunch so that any child in need of a little extra reassurance has someone to go to.

I set up a skipping rope in between the Infant & Primary playground at lunch.

Anyone that wants to join is welcome.

No one is turned away & children who may struggle alone on the playground make new friends,learn a new skill & are cheered on by others as they try to out-do their personal best!

Thank you Miss Jo - the students and parents appreciate your role at Peakhurst South Public School!

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